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Business Directory View



Lifeline Business Services

1300 991 443

Author: Liz Hill/Monday, September 25, 2017/Categories: Section L, Community & Industry Organisations

 Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Qld Ltd is a community based organisation providing an array of counselling and community services.
These include Family & Child Connect, St George Youth Support Program, IAS Tracks to Success, My Connections My Way, and Safe Connections.
For information, please see the attached pdf document and the website link.

Lifeline Business Services  
All Programs can be contacted this one phone number. 1300 991 443
138 Victoria Street St George QLD 4487  
Website link click here.  


  1. FaCC (Family & Child Connect) – 138 Victoria Street, St George QLD 4487                1300 991 443

FaCC links families to service providers to provide support for: Developing Parenting skills and manage child behaviour, build better relationships between family members, budget and manage finances, manage alcohol/drug and gambling problems or supporting to access health care, housing, other community or government services in their local areas.

Some support services maybe further afield and/or by phone or internet meeting connections.


  1. St George Youth Support Program – 138 Victoria Street, St George QLD 4487         1300 991 443

The St George based youth program provides an information, assessment and referral service to target at-risk young people aged 12-18yrs from St George and Dirranbandi areas. The support is client centred where young people actively participate in individual case management, as well as small group intervention activities to enhance social and economic participation for young people.


  1. IAS, Tracks to Success – St George – 138 Victoria Street, St George QLD 4487         1300 991 443

The IAS program is designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from 0-18yrs, their families, carers and other stakeholders to re-engage in education. Our program seeks to improve attendance and engagement in an educational setting, and access other appropriate services as required. We aim to strengthen the young person’s family environment, social connections, skills and strategies in engaging in school and support to improve overall health and wellbeing.


  1. My Connections, My Way – 138 Victoria Street, St George Qld 4487                           1300 991 443

Provide individual and group based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to people 12yrs+ with, or at risk of developing low to moderate mental health issues.

Utilising CBT and Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) methods are direct in addressing strong emotions such as Anger, Anxiety and Depression to make a connection between a client’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and their behaviours. This treatment has been effective to being about behavioural change and improving the client’s mental health.


  1. Safe Connections – 138 Victoria Street, St George QLD 4487                                          1300 991 443

This program offers support to community members whose lives have been impacted by Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Abuse. We work closely with local service providers to ensure a strong multi-agency response to each individuals needs. Our service provides: Domestic Violence counselling, court-based support, perpetrator intervention programs, children’s counselling supporting their risk of family violence, sexual violence services and women’s health and wellbeing support.


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