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True Relationships & Reproductive Health Outreach

True Relationships & Reproductive Health Outreach

Outreach services

Author: Liz Hill/Monday, January 6, 2025/Categories: Section T, Hair, Beauty & Wellness, Medical

True is the state's leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services in Queensland, specialising in contraception and gynaecological care. We are proud to provide clients with a broad range of expert reproductive health and sexual health services, including long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

We will now be bulk billing concession and health care card holders

True offer a sensitive and confidential approach to all aspects of sexual health. We can offer testing, advice and management of sexual health issues as part of a holistic reproductive and sexual health service. Outreach clinics travel to Augathella, Blackall, Mitchell, Quilpie, Tambo and Thargomindah.

Click on this link to see their Clinics Dates in your area. You can book appointments online as well.


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