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Business Directory View



Business Directory View



Avery Seeds - StGeorge

0428 254 464

Liz Hill 0 2571
ROD AVERY - 17 yrs experience & owner operator.
Specialising in –  Quality Buffel Seed and Sales.[USA, Gayndah & Biloela varieties & mixes of both available]

Seed harvesting on share basis. Three (3) pickers available, seed cleaned in paddock. Storage available - buy now, pick up later!
Transport available, we are located close to freight depot.


B&W Rural - Mungindi

02 6705 7000

Liz Hill 0 1078

B&W Rural proudly supports primary producers in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland with all your agricultural needs.  
The committed Mungindi team are passionate about advancing Australian agriculture and provide a range of innovative and comprehensive solutions for all valued clients.

Balonne Airwork - StGeorge

07 4625 1660

Liz Hill 0 1459

Established in 2003, Balonne Airwork is a pilot owned and operated aerial agricultural services business, with a strong reputation for delivering market leading services to large corporate, through to smaller family run farming enterprises.

Cubbie Station Cotton

07 4625 1100

Liz Hill 0 1107

Cubbie Ag properties are located near Dirranbandi and St George in South West Queensland, the total holding is 93,000 hectares with 22,000 hectares of irrigated cropping fields which is supported by on-farm irrigation infrastructure.


Kooroon Pastoral Pty Ltd

0429 695 156

Liz Hill 0 1121

A family owned and operated business with properties around the St George district in Southern Queensland. Specializing in broadacre farming and background cattle & goats. Also providing a range of farming and earthmoving contracting.

Moonrocks -St George

07 4625 5146

Liz Hill 0 1309

Moonrocks is a family owned, Australian business, operated by 5th generation farmers Andrew & David Moon. 

 Moonrocks has been built on a strong foundation of consistent quality through environmentally sustainable farming practices and attention to detail. 

The Moonrocks farms are located in St. George, in western Queensland, Australia, approximately 6-hours by car inland from Brisbane. This region offers a predominantly hot and dry climate which provides the perfect environment for high quality produce to be grown. 

Moonrocks have over 24 years’ experience in a wide range of horticulture crops and specialise in Onions (whole & processed) and Garlic. 

SEB Mechanical Pty Ltd - St George

0428 755 760

Liz Hill 0 4611

SEB Mechanical for servicing and repairing all earthmoving and farming equipment.

Workshop and mobile service
Tilt tray and crane truck available.
Low loaders, side tippers and end tippers.
Earthmoving equipment for hire.
Local Family owned and operated business.

Contact : Scott 0428 755 760 or Janene 0428 190 273

Tierney Crushing & Transport

0428 023 433

Liz Hill 0 1131

Tierney Crushing & Transport (TCT) is an earthmoving, Transport and civil construction enterprise founded in St George Qld in 1990. Due to continued growth TCT now operate a fully licensed Hard Rock basalt quarry, Jondaryan Quarry was established in 2015 and is conveniently located in Jondaryan Qld 40km west of Toowoomba. TCT hosts a fleet of transport equipment equipped to meet the requirements of all jobs. TCT also hosts a number of “Safer Together” Compliant units ranging from Body Trucks to Type 1 AB Triple Side tippers.

Tom's Tarps


Liz Hill 0 1140

Toms Tarps is an Australian owned and operated business, established in 1984, located in Goondiwindi, a small rural town on the Queensland and New South Wales border. Since foundation Toms Tarps offers an honest and down to earth approach to delivering the needs of their customers.